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Keep Up with ACT4SA

Learn more about resources, actions, and news surrounding our fight for police accountability in San Antonio.


SA Justice Charter

The San Antonio Justice Charter will amend the City Charter of San Antonio to adopt a justice policy that will reduce unnecessary arrests, mitigate racial bias, and save scarce public resources through a comprehensive set of popular reforms.

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Accountability for the Bexar County Sheriff’s Department

We need your voice! Join us at Commissioner’s Court to add your public comment demanding accountability for the Sheriff’s Office.
• Tuesday, Feb. 8th at 9 AM
• Second Floor of Bexar County Courthouse, 100 Dolorosa, Suite 2.01

• You must sign up by 8:45 AM in person only

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Re: CoSA FY2022 Budget

Studies worldwide show that the greatest precursor to lowering crime rates is addressing poverty, not the over-policing of our community.

ACT 4 SA is disappointed in the increase to the police budget when there are so many other areas where funds are more greatly needed. This is especially alarming when the city is already facing a $2 million deficit in projected revenue for next year.

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